צפייה בעגלת הקניות
הפעלת ניווט
כל המוצרים
Web Hosting
SSL Certificates
Weebly Website Builder
Email Spam Filtering
SSL תעודת
בונה אתרים
אבטחת דואר אלקטרוני
רישום דומיין חדש
העברת דומיין אלינו
הודעות וחדשות
מאגר מידע
מצב הרשת
צרו קשר
איפוס סיסמה
Web Hosting
SSL Certificates
SSL תעודת
Weebly Website Builder
בונה אתרים
Email Spam Filtering
אבטחת דואר אלקטרוני
רישום דומיין חדש
העברת דומיין
צפייה בעגלת הקניות
בחרו סוג מטבע
Web Hosting
SSL Certificates
SSL תעודת
Weebly Website Builder
בונה אתרים
Email Spam Filtering
אבטחת דואר אלקטרוני
- בחירת קטגוריית מוצרים אחרת -
רישום דומיין חדש
העברת דומיין
צפייה בעגלת הקניות
- בחירת קטגוריית מוצרים אחרת -
בחרו סוג מטבע
- בחירת קטגוריית מוצרים אחרת -
בחרו סוג מטבע
Examine Your Website
- The first step in marketing online is to examine your own website. These important questions need to be answered before you start driving traffic to your website for sales.
How fast does your website load?
What's included in the report:
The report tells you if your website is mobile friendly or not.
The report gives you any page loading issues that you may have.
What links are pointing to your website?
What's included in the report:
Domain Authority (How important your website is in Google's eyes.)
Page Authority (How important your web page is in Google's eyes.)
Number of root domains linking to your website.
Number of links pointing to your website.
Whether websites pointing to your website is spammy or not.
What the domain authority and page authority is of websites pointing to yours.
What text is used to link to your website with.
Any broken links pointing to your website.
How strong is your web page for a certain keyword phrase?
What's included in the report:
In-depth analysis of all of the elements of the page in accordance with the keyword phrase entered.
Recommendations on what to do to improve your chance of ranking.
How important each recommendation to change is.
How well do the search engines crawl your website?
What's included in the report:
URL of page crawled.
The time the page was crawled.
Title tag of page.
Meta description of page.
HTTP status code of page. (Whether or not the search engines can crawl and index this page.)
The page which linked to your page to help discover it.
The number of links on the page.
The type of page it is (Content-Type Header)
Cost: $200
Keyword Research
What theme do you want to rank for?
What's included in the keyword research report?
The number of times per month each keyword phrase is searched for.
How hard it is to rank for each keyword phrase.
The keyword phrases will be color coded from green to red to get an idea quickly.
A percentage from 1 to 100 that the keyword phrase will get clicked on. (Organic CTR)
Short comment on what you would have to do to rank for each keyword phrase.
Questions people ask related to your keyword research theme.
Best backlinks available to you for the best keyword phrase.
Backlink types that you should concentrate on for linking to your website.
Observations from me on the underlying focus when doing your keyword research that will help you edit your website for maximum performance.
There you have it. With this report you will get a list of the best keyword phrases to build your website around, a list of websites to get links from that relate to your best keyword phrase, and what types of links you should get that will help you the best.
By the way this information is also helpful if you want to do pay per click advertising.
Cost: $400
Local Listings and Rankings
- Increase your business information and brand awareness by listing your business information to the major aggregators that supply your information to hundreds of search engines, directories, and phone apps that your customers use the most!
By making sure that your business information is out there it has been proven to provide more traffic to your website and improve localized rankings.
Once you submit your business information we will scan the internet for:
Incomplete Information
Missing website addresses and phone numbers from listings online can keep people from becoming your customer! Incomplete information is found and corrected by us.
Inconsistent Information
73% of consumers lost trust in a business and it's brand if its listings contains wrong information. If your business relocated, is the old address still out there causing you to lose business? Or is it listed inaccurately online? What if your phone number has changed or the wrong phone number is used online? How many customers did you miss out on? Having accurate and consistent information tells the search engines that you are a legitimate business that deserves to be ranked. We will scour the internet for wrong information about your business and have it updated with the correct information.
Duplicate Information
Accidentally have two listing of your business helps improve you getting noticed. Right? Wrong! It actually hurts your rankings and makes the search engines think you are not a legitimate business and this can hurt your rankings! We will find the duplicate information found online and set up requests to have it removed for you.
Make sure that new directories, search engines, and customers can find your business online!
Cost $300 for the first year. If you want additional years it becomes $100/year.
Organic Competition Analysis
What works best for your competition?
Find out what works best for your competition and how they rank with this all-inclusive report.
What are the best websites for your keyword phrase?
Get a list of websites that rank for your keyword phrase already with all of the details.
What websites link to your competitors?
With this information you can get a list of websites that link to your competitor that helps them with their rankings.
What kind of links point to them? (Blogs, News, Forums, etc.)
You can take and concentrate getting links to your website from the source that seems to help them out the most.
What keyword phrases are shared between all of your competitors?
This list is the prime list of keyword phrases that you should go for to help build traffic to your website.
What are the most valuable keyword phrases to your competitors?
It is nice to get a list of the most valuable keyword that can help you without the trial and error.
Cost: $200
Pay Per Click Competition Analysis
What works best for your competition in their Google AdWords campaign?
Find out what works best for your competition and how they rank with this all-inclusive report.
- What keyword phrases they bid on perform the best for them.
- What keyword phrases that all of your competitors use in Google AdWords.
- How much they bid on these keyword phrases.
- What position their Google Ad holds for this keyword phrase.
- How many advertisers use this keyword phrase in Google AdWords.
- The date this ad was last seen online.
- How many times per month these keyword phrases are searched for.
- What the estimated Click Through Rate (CTR) for each keyword phrase.
- How difficult it is to rank for these keyword phrases organically.
- What ads your competitors use and which ones get the most clicks.
- Top AdWords Buy Recommendations for each of your competitors.
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